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Roles in Society

Sometimes I feel like I have to play a certain role in order to survive in society, which seems a bit pretentious to me. For example, whenever the topic of gender comes up, some friends like to joke around and say, "We have a feminist here," prompting me to speak up. These moments always make me sit up straight in awkwardness, stiff and unsure of what to do. To be honest, I just identify with those discourses and have found my footing in feminism, but that doesn't mean I want to pontificate on gender issues.

In society, perhaps we all need to play certain roles in front of others. But beneath the hard shell of these labels, can people possess their most genuine and pure selves? Not having to play any role, just being themselves.

That person who views love as the only thing that matters and enjoys all romantic movies is probably the deepest, softest part of me.

Sometimes I feel like I have to play a certain role in order to survive in society, which seems a bit pretentious to me. For example, whenever the topic of gender comes up, some friends like to joke around and say, "We have a feminist here," prompting me to speak up. These moments always make me sit up straight in awkwardness, stiff and unsure of what to do. To be honest, I just identify with those discourses and have found my footing in feminism, but that doesn't mean I want to pontificate on gender issues.

In society, perhaps we all need to play certain roles in front of others. But beneath the hard shell of these labels, can people possess their most genuine and pure selves? Not having to play any role, just being themselves.

That person who views love as the only thing that matters and enjoys all romantic movies is probably the deepest, softest part of me.

Feel free to contact me 👋🏻

Feel free to contact me 👋🏻